A Guide to
Covid-19 care
​Our Covid-19 Care Patient's Guide serves as a comprehensive resource to help you understand what to expect when you or a loved one are infected by the Covid-19 virus.

It has been almost two years living with Covid – 19 and while the virus continues to evolve with new variants, Malaysia is moving towards the endemic phase of continuing with life under the “new normal”. In lieu with the nation’s vision, Damai Service Hospital has implemented strict measures including:
Compulsory mask wearing by patients, staff and visitors and compulsory Check In via the ‘My Sejahtra’ app
Dedicated frontline staff at entrance to screen patients and visitors before they are allowed to enter the building
Social Distancing measures such as marked chairs and spots to indicate safe distancing between outpatients, accompanying members and visitors
Regular disinfection of whole hospital
Fully vaccinated staff and doctors
Dedicated routes of transfer and isolation wards for suspected patients to ensure no chance of external contact with the public
Compulsary Covid – 19 Antigen Rapid Tests (ARTs’) or Polymerase Chain Reaction Tests (PCRs’) before inpatient admission
Management of Covid-19 Patients
Damai Service Hospital has dedicated isolation wards to manage patients who have been diagnosed with Covid – 19 via a Polymerase Chain Reaction Test (PCR). The hospital is able to accommodate patients who exhibit symptoms from Category 1 to Category 2B as illustrated in the table below and is able to provide oxygen supplementation if required.

Asymptomatic of Pre – Symptomatic but test positive via the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) or Antigen Rapid Test (RTk) tests
Admission Procedure
The flowchart below will give patients an idea of the procedures involved in Covid-19 admissions.